* Threatened or Endangered

Blue and Yellow Macaw *

 : Ara ararauna

 : Bird

 : South America from Panama south to Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Trinidad

 : Nuts, seeds and vegetation

 : Weight 2 to 3 lbs.

 : Due to the fact that this bird inhabits wet, swampy areas that are hard to reach by foot, their numbers are relatively stable. In Trinidad, they are endangered.


• Due to the fact that this bird inhabits wet, swampy areas that are hard to reach by foot, their numbers are relatively stable.

• In Trinidad, they are endangered.

• This loud, colorful bird is among the most favorite captive parrots in the pet trade.

• Due to their large size, strong beak, and loudness, they are suitable only for more experienced bird owners.

• In human care, macaws can live well into their 70s if diet and care are correct. Macaws generally mate for life.

With so many homeless animals in the world, we always say, adopt, don’t shop. Animal shelters and rescue organizations are full of wonderful pets just waiting for a home! You can also learn more about being a responsible pet owner by going to the link below. And, you can encourage others to do the same!


The illegal pet trade is thought to contribute to the threatened status of over 66 species of parrots. Macaws require companionship and need a lot of attention and special care. Their intelligence and social nature make them a difficult pet to care for even when sourced responsibly. Consider enjoying these birds and their relatives at your local accredited zoo rather than in your home. When traveling and visiting other countries be aware of tourist traps that expose macaws and other animals for profit. Learn how to be a responsible Eco-Tourist and take the pledge at https://www.itravelforwildlife.org/
