* Threatened or Endangered

Domestic Goats *
: Capra hircus
: Mammal
: Nearly worldwide in distribution
: Almost anything in the botanical world
: Weight 30 - 200 lbs., depending upon type
: Goats are almost worldwide in distribution and seem to have originated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe
• Goats are almost worldwide in distribution and seem to have originated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe.
• Goats were first domesticated about 10,000 years ago and are used for milk, food, and fur, and are also popular as pets.
• Before the invention of the printing press, goat hide was the standard material for parchment.
• Goats have horizontal, slit-shaped pupils, an adaptation which increases peripheral depth perception.
• Goats are similar to certain types of sheep, but their tails can help solve identification problems. The tail of the goat is generally short and points up, while sheep tails are longer and point down.