On-line Donation Form Zoo2020
Methods of Support
The Dakota Zoo does not receive any direct tax support. The Zoo operates on monies raised through admissions, concession sales, animal sales, the adopt-an animal program, and memberships. To raise money for an expansion project, we need your help in the form of donations.
The Dakota Zoo is a non-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). All contributions are tax deductible.
The most common method of making a gift is to contribute cash. You may benefit from such gifts with a charitable deduction on your tax return. Many donors choose to make a cash gift in the form of a pledge over the three-year period in order to maximize their gift. Please call the Zoo at 701-223-7543 for pledge information.
Planned Gifts
Planned giving is the process of carefully selecting the best method and asset for making a charitable gift. Such a gift can enable you to take full advantage of the tax laws to accomplish your financial and charitable goals.
Stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares that have appreciated can have an immediate impact on our campaign and also create an income tax deduction for you based on their current value. Because there is no capital gains tax when you make the gift, you double tax savings on shares you’ve held for over a year. In order to maintain the tax advantages it is critical to transfer the securities to the Dakota Zoo, rather than the proceeds from the sale.
Life Insurance
You may donate to the campaign by making the Dakota Zoo the owner and beneficiary of your insurance policy.