Schedule of Events
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Art with the Animals
03/18/2017 1:15 PM - 03/18/2017 3:45 PM
Art with the Animals 2 is scheduled for Saturday, March 18 from 1:15 to 3:45 PM. This exciting new new class allows participants the opportunity to merge the love of animals and artistic creation in a fun two hour learning session. Participants will learn about how our wolves and other animal residents are given special care and enrichment by Dakota Zoo staff, and best of all, will have a chance to create their own artistic "masterpiece." Join Dave Ely (local artist extraordinaire, creator of the Clyde statue in our Discovery Center, and senior keeper here at the zoo), as he shows participants techniques to utilize in creating a wolf sculpture out of easy to handle clay. Anyone from the age of 14 years through adult, from beginner to expert artistic ability are welcome to participate in this innovative class.
$30 members, $35 non-Zoo members.
Wonderful Wolves
Date: Saturday, March 18
Time: 1:15-3:45 pm
Pre-registration and Pre-payment required 7 days in advance.