* Threatened or Endangered

Bactrian Camel *

 : Camelus bactrianus

 : Mammal

 : In central Asia, ranging from rocky mountain massifs to flat arid desert, stony plains, and sand dunes.

 : Primarily herbivores and will eat a variety of plants.

 : Up to 7 feet tall and 2,200 lbs.

 : Critically Endangered


• There is a healthy population of domestic Bactrian camels, which is a completely different species than the critically endangered wild Bactrian camel.

• Bactrian camels were domesticated somewhere between 4,000 and 6,000 years ago and were used to carry heavy loads across long distances.

• This species is very hardy and can endure very cold weather, drought, and high altitudes.

• Bactrian camels store fat in their two humps, which can later be used for energy.

• They have been known to go months at a time without drinking water but when they do drink, they will drink up to 26 gallons in one sitting.


Bactrian camels can weigh up to 2300lbs and eat about $5000 worth of grain and hay per year! Bactrian camels are critically endangered in their wild habitat. Enjoy these large mammals at your local accredited zoo and consider a general donation through our “Adopt an Animal” program to help maintain and feed Padme and Chewbacca. Visit https://www.dakotazoo.org/animals/bactrian-camel/ and click “Adopt”!
