* Threatened or Endangered

Cotton-top Tamarin *

 : Saguinus oedipus

 : Mammal

 : Columbia

 : Plants, insects, fruits and nectar

 : Weight up to 1 lb.

 : These endangered primates number less than 1000 in the wild. A Species Survival Plan is in place in which zoos from across the country work together to ensure genetically pure breeding and releases back into the wild where appropriate.


• These endangered primates number less than 1000 in the wild.

• Zoos across the country are working together on a Species Survival Plan to ensure genetically pure breeding and releases back into the wild where appropriate.

• These small primates perform an important task of spreading seeds from trees and plants that they eat. The undigested seeds are spread in their feces when they defecate.

• Cotton-top tamarins have claw-like nails similar to a squirrel's rather than the flat nails that are characteristic of other primates, including humans.  
