* Threatened or Endangered

North American Porcupine *
: Erethizon dorsatum
: Mammal
: Canada, Alaska and much of the northern and western United States, can also be found as far south as northern Mexico.
: Twigs, roots, stems, berries, leaves and tree bark
Size: Weight 4 to 7 lbs
: Weight 4 to 7 lbs.
: Least Concern
• Quite common in most of its range.
• Porcupines can be detrimental to nurseries but are selective in the trees they eat and generally doesn’t pose a threat to natural forest areas.
• At birth, porcupine quills are soft, but they quickly harden. This makes their greatest defense mechanism present, even for newborns.
• These large rodents can’t shoot their quills but, like hair on other mammals, some of the quills shed and may fly off when the animal is threatened and moves quickly.
• They are nearsighted, and sometimes considered dumb, but studies show that they can memorize intricate trails to good food sources.
Respect native wildlife by remembering that…it’s wild! When enjoying native land where wildlife lives, always be aware, be safe, and leave no trace. Never approach, taunt, or feed wildlife. Interacting with them can be dangerous to you and to them. Instead, enjoy their beauty and their ecosystem without disturbing them. To learn more, follow these links: