* Threatened or Endangered

Amur Tiger *

 : Panthera tigris altaica

 : Mammal

 : The forest and bush-covered mountains of eastern Russia, China, and North Korea.

 : Carnivorous diet consisting of deer, wild pig and occasionally fish.

 : Body length is 2 meters with the tail adding another meter. Weight up to 660 pounds

 : Endangered


• Commonly known as the Siberian Tiger.

• Numbers are dropping due to deforestation, poaching, and depletion of prey species.

• This apex predator is one of the largest cats on the planet.

• The Amur tiger’s coat is lighter in color than other tiger species and is also thicker to protect it against cold weather.

• There are only estimated to be 265 to 486 Amur tigers living in the wild today. This is up from the estimate of fewer than 50 in the 1940s, but a lot of work still needs to be done to protect the species.


Wild tigers are in danger of extinction. Amur, Sumatran, and Malayan tigers are all thought to number fewer than 500 individuals in the wild and occupy less than 7% of their original range. Thanks to your support, the Dakota Zoo Conservation Fund supports the Tiger Conservation Campaign. Visit Tiger Conservation Campaign to take the pledge to ‘Shop Smart for Tigers’ and join us at our yearly Tiger Conservation Day event to learn more and celebrate tigers.

